Saturday 6 December 2014

Sunday 30 November 2014

garbage collecction in spring

how dependency injection works

Friday 28 November 2014

what is 'xmlns:p=”' in Spring?

In Spring to inject value into bean properties 'xmlns:p=”' is used.


there are another way to inject bean in Spring Inject value with “value” attribute.


Inject value within a ‘value’ tag and enclosed with ‘property’ tag.


Friday 21 November 2014

Running Hadoop on Ubuntu Linux (Single-Node Cluster)

Hadoop is a framework written in Java for running applications on large clusters of commodity hardware and incorporates features similar to those of the Google File System (GFS) and of the MapReduce computing paradigm. Hadoop’s HDFS is a highly fault-tolerant distributed file system and, like Hadoop in general, designed to be deployed on low-cost hardware. It provides high throughput access to application data and is suitable for applications that have large data sets. The main goal of this tutorial is to get a simple Hadoop installation up and running so that you can play around with the software and learn more about it.

original post can be found here

Monday 17 November 2014

Lucene In-Memory Search Example: Now updated for Lucene 3.0.1

While playing around with Lucene in my experiments to make it work with Google App Engine, I found an excellent example for indexing some text using Lucene in-memory; unfortunately, it dates back to May 2004 (!!!). I’ve updated the example to work with the newest version of Lucene, 3.0.1. It’s below for reference. The Pastie link for the code snippet can be found here.
original post can be found on ikaisays